Sunday, October 22, 2006

Are you wooded up yet?

Sorry for the title, but John Barrowman coined that phrase on the Jonathan Ross radio show yesterday. So with Torchwood finally heading to your screens in a matter of hours, there is really not much more we can do for you if you're not wooded up yet.

During the interview on his quick trip to London, JB said he is zipping back over to Cardiff today to wrap up production of the final two episodes of the series. After the fun tonight, everybody at the Hub will be back to work bright and early on Monday morning.

Jonathan Ross was also proud of his research on the possible origins of the name "Harkness" He speculated that the name came from a Marvel comic book witch named Agatha Harkness. A valid theory of course, but he failed to take into account that RTD has used the name Harkness in his writing several times before, as I already over-analyzed here last November. JB also said he could safely reveal to everybody Captain Jack's species, he is indeed Human.

In other news, according to a nice new Torchwood site on the scene The Torchwood Guide, the forthcoming three Torchwood novels, due out in January, will also be released as audio books in April. No news yet on who will be reading them, perhaps Jonathan Ross will get the gig.

Plus your usual roundup of online coverage: Yet another article in icWales, one at This is South Wales, an RTD feature in The Independent, Sunday Express put a strange spin on the BBC's, "Let parents decide if their kids should watch it" comment and Ain't it Cool News has a review of Everything Changes.

It's a rather slow Sunday here, do you know if there is anything good on TV tonight? I heard the finale of Prime Suspect is on ITV.


Anonymous said...

RTD later texted John Barrowman to confirm that Jack is named after Agetha Harkness.

curls said...

In the silly context of that interview I wouldn't advise going by that.

Anonymous said...

You're full of shit, Kurly.

curls said...

It took you this long to notice that?