You can see it in all its glory here:

The DVD set includes the first five episodes (Everything changes; Day One; Ghost Machine; Cyberwoman and Small Worlds). It's thought that several bonus features will be included too - but this has yet to be confirmed.
The set retails around £15.99 and is due for release on 26th December 2006.
You can pre-order it online by following the amazon link here or at the top left of our page.
Happy times and places.
That is so much cooler than the Doctor Who vanilla releases (of course this doesn't look to be a vanilla, but a boxset)! Definitely buying it when it comes out, and £15.99 is very affordable for 5 episodes!
The cover looks much better than the Doctor Who releases! I am surprised they are releasing 5 episodes, unlike DW which has 3 per release, what's with that? I assume the next Torchwood releases will have 4 episodes each.
I'm confused, i know i didn't get an A in maths but 13/5 doesn't go, unless you get point something. And i'm sure every woodie fan would go made if they got a point of an episode. So what they going to do. 2 more with 4 in 1 and 4 in the other. They are so trying to make us think it's a good price. And i really hope they don't do the whole no bonus stuff until we release the box set stuff(doctor who dvd's). *sigh*
I'm usually not the one to buy everyting immediately. I can wait and see how they plan on releasing everything.
must have
must have
must have
this is taken from hmv website but is yet to be comfired. this is what they have down as special features:
*Contains The First 5 Episodes From Series 1
*Making Of Featurette For Each Episode
*Deleted Scenes
Running Time 225 Minutes.
if this is true. it looks good. so gunna get it anyway.
taken from;-1;-1;-1&sku=567169
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