Thanks to "Spaceygal": My friend and I were in Penarth for the afternoon and we spotted lots of vans arriving near the pier. We enquired and found out it was the Torchwood crew, there to film this evening.
We stayed and watched, until around 9pm, when they finished. The only person we recognised was Naoko Mori, who was filming a scene with an actor we didn't recognise. They filmed the same scene countless times.
After the filming finished a few people watching approached Naoko for autographs, so we went over too, to say Hi and ask if we could take a photo. She was so nice and friendly, and chatted to us for a while.
We learnt that the crew are filming again tonight, somewhere in Cardiff City Centre, until 4am, they said. We don't know where in the centre though. We had a good look around everywhere when we returned to Cardiff from Penarth, but couldn't see them anywhere.
We'd have liked to have asked where exactly they would be filming but didn't want to push it. Still, it was great to watch the filming in Penarth, as it was the first time we've ever seen any filming at all.
Naoko said that today was the first day they'd done any location filming for this season, as they'd been filming in the hub up until now.
Here's a few of the pics my friend Sue took, of the filming on Penarth Pier. As you can see, it was a cold, wet, blustery evening. Well worth hanging around though, to see the filming, lol.

Those last four photographs come courtesy of Scooty, a reporter over at The filming taking place was for either episode 4 or 10 of the new series, as directed by Andy Goddard.
Josie (Spaceygal) here. I was going to email you the report but you've beaten me to it, lol. Thanks for posting the report. It really was fun watching the filming. Cold and windy but worth staying for. And it was wonderful meeting Naoko afterwards. She's so friendly and approachable. Really chatty. :)
Thanks Josie! We loved the report!
Btw, re: the pics you've posted, only the first 2 are by my friend Sue - the others are by Scooty, who was also there with us. Just thought I'd let you know. :)
Friend of mine said she saw lots of vans doing *something* somewhere in Cardiff yesterday. She didnt have time to find out what though. Ill ask her where it was
I saw vans doing something in cardiff as well, but I had to go home. I hear their filming in the estate where my school is sometime in the next 2 weeks, I'll be on the look out!
I've just gpt home from The Wharf pub near Cardiff Bay and came across this on google news.
Thought you'd be interested to know that the vans and crew have been setting u there all evening in the car park.
I can't find the info on Google News. Does it mean the Car Park of The Wharf pub or somewhere else in town?
I meant they are set up in the Wharf Car Park ... or were last night anyway.
What I meant by Google news is that I have alert e-mails which come to me anytime a story/blog with the word Cardiff is posted and that's how I discovered this blog by chance.
Ah .. lovely Penarth ... nice place for an afternoon walk .. but not in this weather....
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