Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Who Do You Think You Are Kidding, Mr. Hitler?

I live in the United Kingdom, which is up there with the US and the rest of Europe as one of the most politically correct nations on this damn planet. I mean, we can't even call a black board a black board, just incase it incites racial hatred or offends anybody, for Pete's sake. I'm telling you, it's crazy. It's a flaming black board!

I'm saying that because what follows probably is pretty damn un-PC. Probably as un-PC as it can get. It's a video clip, taken from the film "Downfall" which features Adolf Hitler, sat inside his tiny little bunker days before his death/defeat, talking to his band of men and women. Of course, some clever dick (or, if that's offensive to male readers out there who are mighty proud of their dicks, I'll re-phrase that in as best a PC way as possible: "Of course, some clever male genetalia that dangles down, but aren't a pair of testes...") has re-edited the scene, with an added Torchwood twist.

The link is here.

Before anybody comments on the nature of Adolf Hitler and the atrocitites he caused, yes I'm well aware of history. I'm not making a joke of the hundreds of thousands... millions, even, that died during World War Two. Thankfully, I didn't live through that era. Hitler was a bastard, scum of the Earth - we all know that. This video isn't laughing with him; it's a bitch slap right in the middle of his face.

You don't wanna watch? That's fine by me, I'm not making you.

But it's funny as Hell ;)


Kate Orman said...

Oh no, not the hoary old myth about "black board" being banned!

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of "aren't I brave and daring for posting this" when every other major Torchwood fan forum posted a link to that same video at least a week ago, if not longer.

Anonymous said...

As Mel Brooks has shown, the way to disempower Hitler and Nazism is with humour. Since this is movie footage, not newsreel I don't see any offense given. I related to much of the inserted dialog. It's hysterical.

Since you're having a light TW news week, do you think you could supply the results of the poll, please? BTW your blip about JB going to CA was linked to by They seemed a bit skeptical - they don't know you/trust you like we do. <3

Anthony Garnon said...

The thing about myths is that they very usually have an element of truth to them.

God's honest truth, I was asked to leave a room when I passing comment during a presentation about how well serviced the college was technically; no more black boards for us, was all I said!

The man who asked me to leave was a white, middle class Englishman. I spoke to him later on that day, but as Head of Department he refused to apologise.

So there you are; a treacle of PC truth!

Btw, how's the lovely Miss Orman doing these days? Don't know if you spotted it, but on the Steven Moffat interview sections of Doctor Who Confidential these past few Saturday nights, you can see "Vampire Science" (and various other EDAs and NAs) residing on his bookshelf!

The new showrunner; such a fan! :)

As for the other comment about us being "brave", or at least thinking we are for posting this, then yeah - that was kinda the point: to prove that in the year 2008 some of us are still willing to do what we want, and not have our creative freedoms taken away from us by the PC Mob.

Kryswynusa, the results are coming! As for the JB reference, I'm assuming you're talking about the story dated May 23rd, "JB in SoCal"? If so, that story was written by the very delightful Kurly - and I'm sure he, as creator of this very site, would be horrified that somebody was doubting his credentials. Or not. ;)

Thanks for visiting the site guys and gals!

Anonymous said...

Hello all....

We all had a good laugh here in the office!!
hah hah hah!!


Anonymous said...

Hilarious video! Thanks for posting the link. The subtitles fit so perfectly! Sure, it's un-PC, but funny nonetheless!


nojarama said...

I wasn't offended by it (the clip or the blackboard). Although I'm neither Jewish or black, just a dumb (and very gay) Norwegian/French-American. My Jewish & Black Torchwood friends found the clip as hilarious as I did BTW. Even my German friends thought it was funny. We all agree that censorship is NOT funny though...