Monday, September 22, 2008

Torchwood Almanac

Released later this week is "Doctor Who - The Time Traveller's Almanac" by Steve Tribe, which examines the entire history of the NuWho universe and pieces it together in one long chronological sequence. Although there's no space for seperate Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures articles, references are made as to the history of the Torchwood Institute ("Tooth and Claw"; "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday") as well as the travels made by Captain Jack Harkness through time and space.

A perfect reference guide for any Whovian and/or Woodie, "Doctor Who - The Time Traveller's Almanac" is officially released September 25th, priced an RRP of £14.99.

Meanwhile the latest three Torchwood novels are released in a matter of weeks, don't forget! "Almost Perfect" (set post-series 2, and by James Goss), "SkyPoint" (Phil Ford) and "Pack Animals" (Peter Anghelides) are all due October time, and can be pre-order via by clicking on the titled links.

On a related note (hello, Torchwood!) October 2nd sees the release of BBC Book's behind the scenes extradinare "The Torchwood Archives". By Warren Martyn, the book traces the history of the Institute - with original illustrations and photographs. It's available to pre-order online for as little as £8.99, so grab it whilst it's hot!!

Finally, the long awaited follow up to Telos' "Inside the Hub" - "Something in the Darkness" - is due for release at the beginning of October. Written by the very brilliant Stephen James Walker, the book delves into the production of series two (from a totally, 100% unofficial P.O.V, of course) and reveals some hither known gems along the way. For fan's of this site, in particular, the book is an unmissable read.

Night night book worms; I'm turning the bedside lamp out now.


Anonymous said...

My Torchwood DVDs arrived while I was evacuated for Hurricane Ike. The cable was out, so guess what I was watching? I started with Gwen and Rhys' wedding, and went from there. Haven't watched Exit Wounds yet, but. . .that's a hard one to watch. Will get to Torchwood Declassified when I'm finished re-watching all the episodes.

Woo hoo!!

Anonymous said...

'Something in the Darkness' was published in the UK in August.

Anthony Garnon said...

Not according to online retailers ;)


Anonymous said...

OK, so it might actually have been at the beginning of September. In any case, I received my copy from on 3rd September.

Anonymous said...

Re Something in the Darkness:

Apparently he copied a lot of reviews of livejournal (LJ) without the consent of the authors or acknowledgement of their real names, only using their lj handle. This has led to correspondence between these and a call not to buy the book as he is making money from them!

He used these reviews in the first book too and apparently again without consent.