Friday, July 31, 2009

Some Poems Don't Rhyme

It feels as though I've been building up to this forever. In a way, I have. I announced back in February my intention to leave this site, following the transmission of Children of Earth - but in truth, it goes further back than that.

You see, people talk about 'golden ages' in their lives, rare times when they can sit back and smile knowing how good their life is, or was. Truth is, you often only come to notice a 'golden age' when the moment has passed and you're out of it, looking back and suddenly realising how good you had it. Not this time, because ever since the beginning I've known how lucky I've been working on this site, writing for you lovely people and helping to create a now established corner of Torchwood fandom. My eyes have been open all the time, and so I've been aware since day one that eventually the day would come to say goodbye.

Thing is, I never knew it would be this hard. The programme is on a creative high, and a voice in the back of my head wants me to stay put, report upon the fourth series and so on - but, no. If I don't leave now then I probably never will, and I think I need change. It keeps life fresh and exciting, and so very unpredictable. It's time I go embrace what lies on the horizon waiting for me.

So there we are. Hopefully you've enjoyed reading whatever crap I've disguised as news over the last three and a half years. I've tried to make it as entertaining, informative and honest as I possibly could - you guys and gals are so damn clever that anything else would have just be an insult to your intelligence. You might not agree with the opinions sometimes given, but I hope you appreciate them, and let them inform whatever thought processes you yourself might be forming around the series.

If I'm honest, I have no idea what happens next. might continue like normal, with the team of writers hired over the last few months. Three years from now, one of them might be bidding adieu after series six, or whatever. Or maybe this is it, the end of the site. I just don't know. I hope it doesn't just fade away unnoticed. It deserves the very best, and nothing less. Fingers crossed, and good luck to those lucky folk who have the challenge of leading the site forward during its next exciting era.

I'll be sticking with sister site for the foreseeable future, so hop along over there for the latest news on all things Sarah Jane Smith (The Sarah Jane Adventures). On a more intimate note, there's my personal blog - Life of Cliché - which I write on pretty much every other day. Pop along and say hello anytime you like.

Any last words? Enjoy Torchwood (whatever future it might have) - plain and simple. One day you'll look back on all this - Captain Jack Harkness, Weevils, Children of Earth, the SUV, hell... even Grey - and you'll realise, this really is a 'golden age'.

Okay, I think that's it. I'm done.

Thanks for reading!

"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned - the hard way - that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next." - Gilda Radner

"Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss


Mark said...

Hiya, I'd just like to say a big thank you for all of the work you have putten into this blog since it started. I remember when it first started and chats in the cbox, it'll always be a site I remember and it inspired me to create my very own site. Best wishes for the future and thanks for giving me inspiration, Mark.

Be said...

3 and half years... funny thing is, after reading your goodbye, I realised how much a part of my life Torchwood had taken up, with this blog being the catalyst to it all. I can still remember clearly when character names were being announced, and you reported on a possible minor role of a coffee boy that Jack would sexually harrass.... 3 and half years later and JANTO has become such a phenomenom that fans are in uproar round the globe at it's shock ending, who would have guessed?
Back in February I thanked you for this blog, but I hope you don't mind if I thank you again. THANK YOU. I will still check daily (habits die hard) but it will never quite be the same without you :(
I wish you luck in all future ventures and aspects of your life Anthony, and I may even check out your blog once in a while too :D
Best wishes, Be xxx

JimmyD said...

Bye :(

Ayre123 said...

I've enjoyed your blog for the same amount of time as I've enjoyed Torchwood :) so a big thank you for everything you've ever put in your blog and I hope exciting new oppurtunities arise! Also, you used my favourite quotation ever (Dr Seuss) and it made me feel a little sad that you're leaving =/

nojarama said...

Best wishes. You will be missed!

John Barrowman said...

Fantastic job over the last 3.5 years. Ive enjoyed reading all the comments and posts from fans, your updates and speculations. Thank You for supporting all of us (the cast) and the show.
John Barrowman

Anonymous said...

Fantastic job over the last 3.5 years. Ive enjoyed reading all the comments and posts from fans, your updates and speculations. Thank You for supporting all of us (the cast) and the show.
John Barrowman

John Barrowman said...

sorry I posted it twice.

tribeHeaven said...

Aww I love the last quote at the end.

All the best dude! :D

Nabu San said...


Sulamite Tepfers said...

Thank you so much for everything! You are one in a million, without a doubt!

My very best wishes for whatever you're doing next and whatever it is, it's bound to be of excellent quality.

Take care now!


Nabu San said...

PS. Do mine eyes deceive me, or did we just get a post from the REAL JB?! *collapses*

Daniella said...

Thanks for keeping me amused and updated on Torchwood...definitely the place to go for news. You will be missed!

Cobwebs said...

Thanks for all your hardwork. You will be missed. xx

Dan said...

Thank you for an amazing site. I have been a fan of this site as long as I've been a fan of Torchwood. That said, it has been 10 days since this post and no new posts have gone up. Please don't let this site end. There has been plenty of juicy Torchwood gossip on the web but I have had to go to other sites to find it. Please, please keep this site up-to-date.

Al said...

Thanks for doing such a great job with this site. Ive been visiting this site since well the start of TW and its sad to hear your leaving. I just hope this isn't the end for this site cos it sure looks that way at the moment. Im suprised no-one has mentioned that series 4 TW has been confirmed!