Tonight's episode Small Worlds is the long awaited script by PJ Hammond. He was one of the first writers announced over a year ago. But it's not the only show the Sapphire and Steel creator wrote that will be airing this evening on TV. The two-hour ITV mystery show Midsomer Murders will be opposite Torchwood tonight with a Hammond penned episode called Dance of the Dead.
Probably not a very tough choice for readers of this page, I'm sure you all have TIVOs anyway.
Enjoy another Woodieday, remember tomorrow's a school day so don't stay up too late.
UPDATE: Tara has posted JBs appearance this morning on Sunday AM here. The star spills a tiny bit of info about the season finale.
Phew, luckily I don't have access to ITV. Would indeed been a tough choice. But wait.. 2 hours? Does that mean that MM is somewhat shortened on Dutch tv? hmmm... Anyway, can't wait for 23.00 tonight - and yea, I have to get up very early tomorrow morning *sigh*
Well we say 2 hours, but the adverts take up alot of the time. It's probably 1 hour 30 or something with like 8 adverts. I will be recording MM's as i like it. But torchwood's always my prority. Woot woodie day! Don't we love um, except all the time from when you wake up until 10pm. So painful waiting.
Hi Sara,
didn't know ITV was commercial. Torchwood has most definitely my priority but as I'm living with someone who cannot yet quiet admire these gorgeous guys/girl and who prefers to watch Match of the Day instead. *sigh* I wish the best Dutch footbaal players were not playing in the UK.
OK Kurly - I'll get a nice early night as you instructed :P
Tivo isn't that common here in the UK. Sky Plus is our equivalent but I dunno how many people have it, it can be a little pricey I think. I've just got NTL (I've been trying to get my parents to switch to normal Sky because I've been told it's less glitchy than NTL, we keep losing ITV2 and FilmFour which we should have... luckily we never loose access to BBC3 thank god but it is irritating)
Yep ITV is commerical grrr! Luckly BBC3 isn't (big cheers for a full 50 minutes of undesturbed Torchwood)I'm sure a fair few people have sky+ but it's like £150 for the box and only so much recording time, so it's like buying a good dvd player, so i'm sure people just go out and buy a dvd recorder and record stuff. I have telewest which is...hmm ok, lacking in some channels, but got most of the major 1s. especially sport! Is TIVO in britian at all?
The whole freeview things a good idea, but most people have to upgrade their arial, so when they say £30, thats just for the box! I'm sure a fair few people have purchased them for Torchwood!
A DVD player won't let you record two Sky channels at once.
Uh, time for some wikipedia-ing. Sounds like the whole tv thingy in the UK is far more complicated and advanced than here. I just hope I'll manage to put the computer aside before Torchwood starts.
I have only 4 channels where I live, we never got C5 when it was released, Freeview isn't available yet and my parents refuse to get Sky. I usually get Torchwood on DVD off one of my mates on Monday coz I can't wait till Tuesday.
A superb episode, for me the bit at the very start (MINOR SPOILER COMING UP) with the photography scene - chilling.
And have Gwen bathed and brought to my tent ;)
What happened to the ending in this episode??? It needs PART TWO!"!!
Fascinating, interesting, gripping - but what was it all about?? Got more insight into Jack's past (acting superb) but the Fairy story appeared to be almos just a filler for the story about Jack.
I've never been sooo unsatified and wanting another hour of it to develop the story properly.
Thanks Taraliveson. You're offically Torchwood.TV's video gal! :)
i loved this episode. best yet. i won't write more untill everyone's seen it though...
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