If you're a Doctor Who fan too, there's some neat interviews with Graeme Harper, Wendy Padbury (1960's companion Zoe Harriot), Caroline John (Liz Shaw), Terry Molloy (Davros - evil creator of the Daleks) and the Fourth Doctor himself - and BT's voice messaging system - Tom Baker.
On top of all that there's a look behind the scenes on BBC 7's new series of "Eighth Doctor" adventures that, so far - in my opinion - haven't exactly set the world ablaze...You can pick up Starburst Special #79 at most retailers now priced £5.99 - but hurry, because stocks are limited and the magazine usually sells like hot cakes!
1 comment:
Just a few interesting sites about John Barrowman - this should while away an hour or two
just a snip of this one
Q.What's your type?
I like older. You want to know my fantasy woman? Joan Collins. I think she's stunning. I had lunch with her before I came to film the Central Park West pilot.
Q.Did she like you?
I don't know. I had to run off and catch a plane. But she was kind enough to have them hold the flight for me. [Imitating Collins on the phone] "Hello, dahling. It's Joan Collins here..."
Q. Have you been romantically involved with any other older women?
I went out quite a few times with Angie Dickinson. Her legs look as good now as they did walking down that staircase in Police Woman. I spent Thanksgiving with her a few years ago. June Allyson was there and...what was his name? This is going to bother me. [He picks up his cellular phone and calls his mother He speaks to her in a perfect Scottish burr. She rings back later with the answer: Joseph Cotten.]
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