So I don't have to repeat myself on the page, follow the archive links in the column on the right to see what we have been talking about since October. They are backwards chronologically though, so scroll to the bottom and read up to avoid confusion. You probably got here from the Wikipedia page on Torchwood, so if you have read that you are already up to date on everything anyway and it basically serves as the FAQ for Torchwood. Many thanks go out to the generous people who keep up that page and thanks for linking to this site.
The only other place online I have found that is consistently updated with Torchwood information is The Torchwood Institute, it is a Live Journal community and has also been there from day one. Join them today and become a Member of the Innuendo Squad! Other names I have thrown out for fanboys and girls of Torchwood are Woodvians and Woodies. Any other suggestions are obviously welcome, then perhaps we can take a vote.
I don't claim to be objective, I don't claim to be any good, the only claim I make is that I enjoy writing about Torchwood. I have been a Doctor Who fan for over 20 years but will generally defer that topic to the thousands of sites that are already online. With Torchwood I saw an empty spot and jumped right in. Again, thanks for stopping by, now you too can help spread the Torchwood gospel throughout the countryside.
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