With full production (hopefully) less than a month off now, we should be getting some more casting news sooner rather than later. The preliminary publicity photo shoot featured only JB and Eve which means the remaining two "leads" will probably be minor players at the Institute.
My guess is we will soon get the announcement that a geeky scientist type and a saucy transvestite will be filling out the staff. Either that or the other spinoff rumour floating around might actually be referring to Torchwood. Yep, the last two missing members of the team are Sarah Jane and K9!
Now that would be absolutely fantastic!
A few nuggets of information from that Eclispe article:
"So there's two years of Jack's life that nobody knows anything about and this is what he is searching to find. [From] the final episode, 'The Parting of the Ways' in 'Doctor Who', to the first episode of 'Torchwood' [the spin-off show that Barrowman will star in later this year], you find out things that have happened to Jack that kind of put him on a new plane."
"I am just totally so excited about it," he says. "The script is really good."
Described as a darker, sexier, more adult science fiction show, 'Torchwood' focuses on a renegade team investigating human and alien crime, and extraterrestrial technology that has fallen to Earth. After filming the spin-off, Barrowman will be returning to 'Doctor Who' for the third season, with David Tennant continuing to play The Doctor. The two met while Barrowman was appearing in the pantomime 'Cinderella' during the winter.
"When he came to my dressing room, I actually looked up and in my head I went, 'Oh my god, it's Doctor Who!' It was bizarre! I said to him, 'David, you're much more handsome in person than you are on television' and his reply was, 'We’re gonna get along just fine!' I’m sure we're going to have a good time. Billie [Piper, who plays Rose] likes him and I can judge if Billie likes him, I think I'm going to like him."
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