Whereas England is still in the buildup to season two of Doctor Who (expect a press release two weeks from today), America at long, long last has a broadcaster, and so, tonight, after almost a year of waiting, it begins. Doctor Who is coming.

It's going to be interesting to see how the typically british show performs for sci-fi, and its going to be even more interesting to see how the reactions 'across the pond' (for me anyway) will be. Doctor Who is a show I have emense pride in. It's one brilliant journey through time and space from beginning to end, and I see no reason why America children won't fall in love with Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and John Barrowman just as much as British, Canadian, Austrailian, French, German, et al have.

But this post could be read my many after the show's broadcast. I could be past tense already! In that case, hello, and welcome to this mad, mad world! It's great to have you here, and both myself and Kurly look forward to hearing from all you guys and gals.
As you are about to see/have seen Doctor Who is something rather special. It's American broadcast is the icing on the cake, and the perfect way to celebrate the show's new found worldwide acclaim. We already have our Stargates, our Gallaticas, our Treks, but ladies and gentlemen, now we have our Doctor Who.
And we're never going to let it go again.
Are we?
jackharkness apologies that this blog entry has absolutely nothing to do with Torchwood whatsoever!
Ok, i promise...no more Doctor Who news will be posted here! I've set up www.Doctorwhotv.blogspot.com for anybody needing a daily fix of the good Time Lord. Kurly, you are formally invited to be my first member...just tell me how I go about making you a member on the site (it makes my head hurt?!?). Too complicated for my simple mind!
Damn if only I got cable I could finally watch the new series of Doctor Who!
Nope, I was a bad boy like most internet saavy Whovians in the USA and got the show through other means.
But, for those of you who do get cable here in the States and have already seen it, watch it again! Or find a geeky viewing group somewhere. For example, here in Seattle the Androgums are meeting up to watch the show. If you have Tivo, record it, since that provides ratings information back to SciFi.
What else were you planning on doing tonight, drink green beer with a bunch of drunks?
Some good bloggy buzz! I've found a lot of positive posts about tonight's broadcast (see here)
Hey, could you put up a permanent link to "Torchwood Facts So Far?" Something like that strip down the left side of the Gallifreyone news page. It'd be very convenient!
Yes who wants to read through all those silly archives anyway. Well I might revamp the page if I ever get the time, with my limited HTML knowledge I just use the boring Blogger template.
The best compendium of our Torchwood knowledge at this point is the Wikipedia entry. But yes, it is just the facts there, no wacky speculations or rumours which is our specialty.
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