Sorry, but I could care less about the different romances around the Hub, it's all kid's stuff to me. The rest of the crew are fine and I originally thought it sounded great to give each person their own episode but now I just want more Jack!

But who cares what I think? What do you want or expect out of the second half of the series? More references and connections with the Whoniverse? (We got another UNIT reference this week which was nice. I'm guessing it won't be the last we hear from them in the show.) More Weevils? More Myfanwy? More sex? More violence? What on (or off) Earth are Woodies thinking about these days? What predictions do you have for the remaining episodes?
December will offer plenty of Torchwood and WHO to go around for everybody. However, I'm a bit worried I might have all the exact same questions come January 1st.
I hope they'd stop with the sap between Gwen and Owen.
I want more uniqe story lines. I hope they don't have anymore of those aliens inhabiting human bodies as we've already had two in just the first half of the series.
I want no more of that Myfanwy.
And last but not the least, I want to know what Weevils are feeding on down in the sewers. There must not be enough food for them there.
I would be a bit dissappointed if all mysteries around Jack are solved in this series. If that's really gonna happen then I suspect that there will be no second season, or a second season with a different crew.
Otherwise: less humans inhabited by alians sounds good, and stronger dialogues. From a dialogue perspective the first and last episode probably where the best so far. I want more of that, and less teenage jokes the producers seem to think are very adult.
oh, and I definitely want a second season :)
I don't think the real issue of what this show has been lacking comes down to Jack's 'backstory' unfolding in minuscule bits and pieces. I really don't have a problem with that and I think if the show was too focused on Jack's quest, that might also have alienated (no pun intended) a wider audience.
I think there have been two main weaknesses in the series to date:
A: The writing has lacked cohesion - over a 50 minute plot arc - with the first act being rock solid (usually) and the middle of Act II and Act III collapsing into over sentiment, or over-acting.
B: Although all the characters arcs have been thought out and plotted, Torchwood's (the organisation itself as a corporate or political body) objective - separate to Jack's - may not have been. And if it has, we're not getting any sense of there being any conflict there. Or rather we're not getting any sense that Jack may be working in conflict with Torchwood's objectives. And wouldn't that make for interesting drama?
I also think that it might have played better if the hub crew were believable as 'agents.' If the Torchwood crew were research and development I'd have no problem believing them to be damn good at what they do, but in the field they look like an untrained liability. If Torchwood has links with UNIT, then there is military back-up - you'd think the Torchwood team would have had some kind of combat training.
Aliens? It's a shame that they're not playing up the theme of alien flotsam and jetsam invasion as being akin to global warming, i.e. that the threat is huge and almost unmanageable as a task. If we had that sense, then when the team stumble and fall, well I think it could poignantly underpin the fragility of their (and our) existence.
It's a macrocosm out there and this show seems to forget that - most weeks - and focus on the microcosm in the hub. I don't mind that at all, but it might make for better drama if one was the source of conflict the other was sparking off of.
Mind you I'm crossing my fingers that the delay in announcing renewal stems from the fact they're thinking of renewing for S2&3 t to run parallel with DW S3&4.
And yes, I may slam the show for it's weaknesses but's that's because it's brimming with potential. It could have been the love-child of Spooks and Who. Instead it's the love-child of... The O.C. and Who and it will be a bitter blow if that's what costs it the renewal.
I want the mature, adult, well scripted, tightly plotted, thoughtful, inspired and dark British sci-fi series that I expected from the upfront bumpf.
I want intrigue. I want suspense. I want drama, with just a dash of humour and a bit of nakedness.
I want to know how Torchwood 3 connects into the wider plot of Torchwood's agenda that we've already seen on DW. I want them butting up against other agencies; human and alien. I want them butting up against the PM and politicians. I want to know how Jack connects into that and how he ended up so dark. I want back story on how the others ended up there. I want to know the make up of their world outside of how they relate to each other and the odd - clumsily metaphoric - alien.
I want the X Files but with the quintessentially British intellectual sci fi rigour, and a coherant plot.
I get the impression that they're trying to saying something about the nature of humanity but I want it underlined with a big red marker pen, rather than this wishy washy feelings stuff they've been playing around with so far. It's been alright, and I've generally enjoyed it, but now I want more.
I don't really care who's shagging who, unless it advances the main plot. I like the characters they've created. I feel their pain. Now I want them to get on with their jobs of protecting the Earth from whatever they need to protect the Earth from.
I want to like Torchwood, but am left disappointed after each episode. The characters come across as childish and indulgent, behaving like teenagers instead of adults. I agree that no one wants to know what Gwen and Owen get up to, especially in such graphic detail.
Last nights episode "Greeks with Gifts" was a basic ripoff of the Buffy episode "Earshot", even down to the guy with the shotgun and not being able to hear the thoughts of someone undead (although Jack still managed to send a thought to Toshiko, even though she wasnt supposed to hear him).
Torchwood could be a great show, but it needs to be vastly improved to justify a second season.
It is NOT an Earshot ripoff people! Were their aliens in Earshot? Did any of the main characters fall in love with an enemy in Earshot? Wasn't the planned murder in Earshot far more of a sub-plot then the five minutes that was focused on it in Greeks Bearing Gifts? The whole "uncovering a secret relationship" was no more than a joke in Earshot, in Greeks it was a major sub-plot. Did Toshiko go insane? No! Yes their are similarities but "telepathy" throws up similar themes, and if anything Greeks could be an homage to Earshot... definately not a ripoff.
like many of the posters above i couldn't give a monkeys about gwen & owen. i like 'adult' but not just pointlessly rude. i thought tosh was apalling in the last episode, so please no more main storylines for her. i like the grown up sexuality - but does every single character have to be 'pansexual'
more jack
i like ianto a lot
more backstory
second series
i have critisisms, but i do love it...
I seem to be the only person thus far who likes the Gwen/Owen bits...maybe just cos I'm a hopeless romantic, and I know Jack and Gwen are never really gonna happen...
I like the way Jack's story is coming out in bits and peices - one great heart to heart with Gwen or someone would have left the rest of the series (and the 2nd one too, fingers crossed) with very little linking between episodes...although more links back to the Whoniverse would be apprichaited!
Now all the charecters have had ( I think) their own episode, maybe we can see a bit more of actual story line, instead of charecter buliding...that's why they need the next series, to continue what this sereis is building!
But of course, the one girl who I'll never get enough of is the star of the show, the lovely Myfanwy!
Writers who don't think puerile sex scenes and soap opera histronics are a substitute for a plot. Teams member other than Jack who come across a professional and focused on their job. Compare this to the X-files. The X-files was largely focused on the plot and its protagonists by and large professionals and kept their minds on the job. Sex is mentioned and indulged in from time to time but it is time to time.
Torchwood had and still does have promise but it's being wasted to a large extent.
Does anybody know the writers, anybody with links?... GET THEM TO READ THESE COMMENTS AND THE COMMENTS FOR EACH EP ON THIS BLOG!!!!!!
Hey grace, the idea of torchwood paying homage to a buffy ep? Personally I don't think they have enough episodes to indulge.
More or less sex- doesn't bother me.
I agree now that we have the characters, and that is important to get-we could concentrate on some plot.
We can watch people murdering people every time we turn on the bill- it's not si-fi.
Adult is not teenage gore- learn to not indulge.
For an original series you need original plot lines which fit well- get a poker up chris chirnoble's behind and tell him to do better.
Best comments here are by erykah. I love the show and the potential it has but it could be so much more...
Much as I enjoy watching Torchwood the chartacters ( other than Jack)are starting to irritate me. Jack seems more used to a military style command structure and I don't blame him for getting angry when the team never obey his instructions/orders first time. Poor Jack has ended up with a bunch of sorry a**ed loosers who are all out for themselves. They wouldn't understand teamwork if it came up and bit them. They question everything, they disapprove of his methods every episode. For me they are comming across as all being out of their depth and act like spoilt petulant children. It's hard for me to care what happens to any of them except Jack. I'd like to see a series based on Jacks adventures as a Time Agent. Oh well!!
I agree with all the comments so far. Where is the adult writing? It seems more for teenagers.
I like the idea of the Owen/Gwen subplot, but it's been so underwritten no-one can buy into it. I don't think it's a great romance, but if carefully handled it could give quite an adult insight into what happens when someone decides to leave her safe job/life and runs with the chance of wild adventure. Dr Who avoided addressing this too heavily -- Rose's choice was always shrugged away as being easy because Mickey was lame, Jackie was clingy and Rose was bored -- but Gwen was supposed to be happy with Rhys and her job. Sadly none of this is coming through at the moment though, which seems a bit of a waste.
"ose's choice was always shrugged away as being easy because Mickey was lame, Jackie was clingy and Rose was bored"
this is true, and yet those scenes were still so much more affecting. underwritten is the key word but it's not about more dialouge, just better.
I'm impatient to, I can never wait for the next episode. I hope we will find out more about Jack in the second half of the series. I want to know what he was planning on doing with Ianto in his office. Maybe I got the wrong end of the stick when Ianto said there are a lot of things you can do with a stop watch that are useful and Jack said I can think of a few things, I'll send the others home and see you in my office in ten minutes. *DIRTY BOY*
I think it's kind of self-explanatory anon.
I also am impatient, its like torture waiting for the next episode and i also want answers!!! (please :-)) i realy like the messed up romance in the hub and want some more because it amuses me but most of all I WANT MORE JACK!!!!! (pretty please with a cherry on top)
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