It'll be your first chance to see brand new footage of Captain Jack following his 'kidnap' in "End of Days". Wonder what he's been getting up to...? Well, it is Captain Jack - so you can probably go figure!
Jonathan Ross' chat show begins tonight @ 10:35pm on BBC One. It's repeated tomorrow evening on BBC Two. Check listings for broadcast time.
UPDATE: You can now watch the clip online here at FreemaAgyeman.com.
The clip was v. cool, sooooooo
Doctor and Martha in the Tardis, they are on the rift for only 20 secs to refuel. Doctor saying how the last time he was in Cardiff, he was a different man...... Meanwhile, running down towards the tardis is Jack with a rucksack, screaming 'DOCTOR!' This is when His face looks particulary WERID! Anyways, so he's running and the doctor is just about to fire up the Tardis, when in the control panel screen he sees a brief glimpse of Jack, he still presses the lever though. On the outside, Jack hurls himself at the tardis, clinging on for dear life. Inside, the tardis shakes, and Martha asks the Doctor whats going on. He replys that their going into the future, 10 billion, 10 trillion, 100 trillion... When Martha asks what that means, the Doctor says they're going to the end of the universe. Outside in the void, Jack is screaming for the doctor, while clinging onto the tardis as they hurtle into the far future.........
This was revealed on another Torchwood website about a month ago. I don't want to spoil it for anyone but they also revealed how Jack got back to Earth from Satellite 5, and how long he'd been there and that explained why he was so 'dark' and sad and not his self from the 1st Dr Who series. From last nights clip it seems their info was spot on. I wish I could remember the website I read it on. Ahh well!
Lady Eleanor
this is a clip of the scene, enjoy.
The site with the spoilers was this one:
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