Just a little filming update for you folk now. The Torchwood production team were today down at the The Millers Tavern, in Riverside (just off the junction between Cathedral Road and Lower Cathedral Road, apparently) filming scenes for a forthcoming episode of Torchwood's second year (episode unknown).*

As you can see from the above snaps - look through the windows - it appears that at least one member of the Torchwood team (possibly Ianto - judging by that snappy white shirt and waistcoat number) gets some down time during the series, and finds time to play a little game of what us Brits like to call snooker.
No doubt Captain Jack would have a lot to say about Ianto (or whoever it turns out to be) shooting balls into a table's pockets. Innuendo. Innuendo. Innuendo!
*Picture credits to Brian_Damage over at OutpostGallifrey - thanks!
Umm... Forgotten something ? The picture credit goes to...
Surely the chap's screen name is Brain_Damage
Isn's that funny...the van in the pic was rented from Burnt Tree, a lot of burnt trees could be a Torched Wood...couldn't it?
There's photos from a second shoot now up at OG. GDL is clearly visible wearing a different suit, so maybe-maybe not. Nothing says the two shoots have to be for the same day, or even the same episode.
This is crabbylioness, but I'm too tired to deal with the dratted sign-in routine.
Nah Kev, Burnt Tree are a genuine rental company in South Wales
Ah well. Must just be a producer with a sense of humour that hired the van then.
I've seen 'Burnt Tree' vans here in Leicester when I used to walk to school :-S Could it be the same company?
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