Don't forget! Straight after the episode itself is over you can catch "Doctor Who Confidential" on BBC Three, which promises to look behind the scenes on John Barrowman's return, and will interview next week's other guest star, Sir Derek Jacobi. You never know, there might even be some sneaky Torchwood season two gossip... I wouldn't put it past them!
In other news, the latest issue of TV Zone magazine has just been released - and looks behind the scenes on "Utopia" with an interview with the episode's director, Graeme Harper. He spills the beans on what it's like working for the show in the 21st Century, and just how much Jack's return shakes the Doctor. Not literally of course - we'll save that for the fanfic...
You can pick up TV Zone issue 216 at all good newsagents now priced £3.99. A short extract from the magazine interview can be read online here. Special thanks to Joe Nazzaro for writing the piece and posting it on the good old inter of net for us to read.
NEXT WEEK: Clinging onto the TARDIS mid-flight; happy reunions?; the end of the universe; oh, and some uber-cool Futurekind punks. It's gonna be a long week...
Did any1 c the mention of 'Costello' in 'Blink', If this is Suzie (and I'm sure it was spelt the same)maybe Suzie Costelo is coming back????????
I loved Blink. I dont think im ever going to look at a statue the same way again.
I heard the Costello, but they like to reuse names so i wouldnt think anything of it. Count how many Johns, Jones, Sallys, Trishs and Delaneys (or however its spelt) weve had. Loads!!!
I spy a Tardis key around Jacks neck...
Blink scared the living daylights out of me. I screamed. Utopia looks great though - wonder what Jack'll say when he finds out Rose has gone.
The full trailer for Utopia is up at the Dr Who website, finally! http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/news/cult/news/drwho/2007/06/11/45653.shtml
Jack to Martha: "Who are you?" Doctor: "Oh, don't start!"
...and sorry about the bad link in the last post. Just go to Outpost Gallifrey and link to it from there!
So Jack is now getting frequent flyer privileges? Will he get the universal roaming phone as well?
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