Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Piccolo Rising!

For the benefit of anybody who might not know, I work in a cinema and one of the films being heavily trailed right now is the Dragonball Evolution movie, set for release here in the United Kingdom this April 3rd (or April 8th for North American cinema goers). The film stars James Marsters (Captain John Hart) as Lord Piccolo, Dragonball's resident bad boy.

The film is produced by 20th Century Fox (so those boycotting the studio following the Watchmen court case, beware!) and has an official website launched here, that features a trailer for the flick and a synopsis of what's supposed to be going on (I won't even try to break into the Dragonball story here; mostly because the whole mythology baffles me no end).

I highly doubt I'll be queuing to watch the film upon its release, but I should think there's a far few readers here who will be drawn in by Marsters' involvement. All I'll say is, this being a typical teen-orientated release prepare for lots of talking and popcorn throwing in the screen!

Don't go crying to us ushers when you tell them to stop, and they attack you with the popcorn instead!!


In other news, a quick update on March's "The Hub: 2" convention, due to take place the 13th, 14th and 15th of that month at the Park Inn Hotel, Northampton. Guests now include Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd, Kai Owen, Tom Price and writer Phil Ford. You can read all about the event and found out how to book by going all clicky clicky here.

More updates soon, including an indepth look at forthcoming merchandise!


Salina said...

Kai Owen withdrew from the convention but just today announced that he could in fact attend, and plans to. So you can add Kai to the list.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the Park Inn is a popular convention spot. That's at least two anime cons (Kitacon and Fuyucon) and a Torchwood con at it this year. I'm looking forward to Dragonball, even though I'm expecting it to be a middling movie at best just because I want to see what it's like to see a live action anime adaptation on the big screen.