Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What The Dickens?

The fabulous Freema Agyeman was a guest on The Paul O'Grady Show last Thursday, March 26th. After the obligatory promotion of her new show Law & Order: UK, the topic changed to what the audience really wanted to hear about: "Everybody loves Doctor Who!".

Miss Martha Jones herself recounted the tale of her strange audition process for the show, which involved the producers having her read for the part of Gwen on Torchwood!

Until the clip goes up on the official O'Grady website, YouTube has it here.


Speaking of Freema, you can catch both her and Eve Myles in the excellent BBC adaptation of Dickens' classic novel "Little Dorrit". Both actors wear the latest in Victorian-era dresses while navigating this tale of society, scandal, and, um, debtor's prison? The mini-series aired in the U.K. a few months ago, but American viewers can watch it on PBS, and stream it online, through this April.


And while we're on the subject of Dickens, the current West End revival of Oliver!, featuring Burn Gorman as the dastardly villain Bill Sikes, released its official cast album on March 15th.

Burn appears in several of the songs, most notably "It's A Fine Life", as well as his deliciously creepy solo "My Name".

Give it a listen here at Amazon.co.uk, and let us know what you think about Dr. Owen Harper's surprising career change.

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