Monday, April 27, 2009

CoE Launch Month Announced!

Well, chalk this one up to the fans. The BBC recently sent out a press release confirming what most diehard Woodies have already guessed: June 2009 will be the month we finally get to see "Children of Earth".

We're still(!) waiting for the exact date to be confirmed. However, the British Film Institute will host a star-studded preview of the first episode on Friday, June 12 in London. (Wow, way to snub Wales.) And not to get too far ahead of myself, but that date seems to make June 15, the following Monday, the best candidate for CoE's transmission.

The BFI has also sent out a spoiler-lite summary of Episode 1:

1965: Twelve children are gathered on a deserted moor, before being surrounded by a harsh, bright light .... and then they are gone!
Today: all over Earth, children stop moving. Stop playing, stop laughing. Then, as one, they begin to speak with the same voice, announcing the imminent arrival of a new alien threat. "We are coming...". As the British government closes ranks, it issues a death warrant against Captain Jack and Torchwood...

In this case, it seems like being "outside the government" isn't exactly something to brag about, hmmmm Captain Jack?

(full news article here)


Anthony Garnon said...

"How dare you guess at June 15th", "Today's the day that Torchwood fandom died", etc, etc. ;)

load-of-tosh said...

@ jackharkness:

Ha! I'd say that you're entitled to a fair bit of smugness now. =)

Anonymous said...

No, they aren't entitled to any smugness. They labeled an article as being exclusive details when it was nothing but speculation. That their speculation was pretty damn close doesn't negate the fact that they tried to pass it off as having inside information.

load-of-tosh said...

@ Anonymous:

Oh yeah, I forgot how that was a touchy subject... and one that I'd really rather not get in the middle of! However, I do hope that we can all eventually forgive/forget, and then move towards a place where we can all agree that Children of Earth, regardless of when it will air, will be awesome.