Friday, September 18, 2015

More Tosh

Might we be seeing a return for Naoko Mori as Toshiko Sato? There's certainly some hints dropped in this interview regarding her involvement with Big Finish...

You can catch Mori in Everest, out today in cinemas and IMAX theatres across the UK.

Meanwhile Big Finish producer James Goss has spoken to Doctor Who News about his involvement in the company's Torchwood releases. I wonder who he's referring too when he discusses two people monster hunting in London... Martha and Mickey?

Finally, John Barrowman presents the National Lottery Stars Awards on BBC One, Monday 21st September at 10:35pm.


Guerrera en el paraíso said...

I hope Naoko can be in it, because they talk very much about Jack Harkness and his team, and we haven´t heared the team yet (there are episodes with only one character, but not the whole team) And really, I want Janto and more Ianto Jones episode (he is very alive for me)

Canli Dizi Izle said...

This was lovelly to read