Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Come visit the Flydell Caverns

Flydell North is a nice spot from everything that they say. It's the home district of the UK's current Prime Minister Harriet Jones. We got our first glance at the right-honorable Ms. Jones during Aliens of London and WWIII. If you have visited the BBC site lately you may have watched the trailers for The Christmas Invasion where it looks like Harriet will take charge.

doctor who

Now of course we can all see that Harriet would do a much better job than Tony Blair has, but I have a more important reason for writing this post today. No, it's because there has been a good deal of speculation that the PM Jones will be a regular on Torchwood. I suppose for no other reason than people think the PM would be informed from time to time if aliens are constantly riding ramshackle through Cardiff.

Well in the brief trailer for the next WHO episode it looks like Jones is consorting with an officer of UNIT and it is good to see the taskforce is keeping her in the loop these days. However, I suspect that the PM will not approve of the Torchwood Institute and she will be the last person on their speed dial. Plus, to quote Cardiff Mayor Margaret Blaine Slitheen, "We're in Cardiff. London doesn't care. The South Wales Coast could fall into the sea and they wouldn't notice."

PS - There is an article in the independent just out with spoilers from The Christmas Invasion including a Torchwood reference. More on this as it breaks.

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