Thursday, December 15, 2005

In need of an editor

Script editors may not do as much writing on TV shows as they did in the past, but they are still the bridge between the writers and the producer on a program and s/he helps work on the submitted scripts so they all flow together and fit within the show's format and continuity.

According to IMDB, Brian Minchin will be Torchwood's script editor. The Welshman has a few writing credits on his resume including several award winning short films. He is currently working as a script editor on the BBC Wales production Belonging. This soap/drama is entering its seventh season and chock full of Welsh culture but a bit hard to find outside the confines of Cymru.

Doctor Who: The Shooting Scripts (Doctor Who (BBC Hardcover))

Minchin was also a producer on the well-received film Dead Long Enough. The film, shot in Wales and Ireland, will get wide release in March 2006. The 26-year-old may not be one of the giants of the TV industry yet, but as we all know, Torchwood has always had a way of making or breaking a career.

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