A Few Good Men has wrapped, and without as much as a night off, JB headed across town and slipped into the Prince Charming tights. Barrowman continues in the Cinderella Panto in Wimbledon through January. At opening night there was the gift from the Innuendo Squad as mentioned earlier, but there is also news and some pictures up now at jb.net about the unique gift given to JB and his charities from the Barrowman Online group.
Doctor Who and Panto are certainly not strangers with one another. Right after leaving the show William Hartnell joined a touring Puss in Boots pantomime. Prior to appearing on the show Jon Pertwee was in a televised Mother Goose panto on BBC1. Colin Baker has done them on occasion and Sylvester McCoy usually pops up somewhere each year. This year he is at a panto at the zoo. Of course, they are just a few of the WHO actors who have dabbled in the december artform. That's not to mention most of the monsters on the old show of course, who looked like they had their premiere on the pantomime stage alongside the pantomime cow.
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