Here in the US, Doctor Who has never been considered to be a show aimed towards kids, so it is no problem for me at least, to hear about a spinoff that isn't either. The spicier the better I say, we have already had the X Files, what would we be the point of "Britain's answer to" it. There is no more need for a show like that then there was for the American version of Coupling.
And speaking of cross-Atlantic ripoffs, for those of you in the US who are upset you can't watch Dancing on Ice, not to worry you need only wait until Wednesday to see Skating with Celebrities on FOX. However the show's title seems a bit inaccurate, I can't find a celebrity in the whole batch. Ok, that's not fair. Todd Bridges is in it after all.
For those who are expecting updates on my site about how JB is doing on that little reality ice dancing show, sorry to dissapoint you but you will just have to go to the show's page for any of that. I am not a fan of either reality shows or ice dancing and putting them both together is not going to change that. For those of you who are watching, please drop me a line if John accidentally spills some Torchwood news while hopped up on painkillers.
I don't know if you have ever visited this site, but Torchwood has now been added to the database (and I'm the editor of it!). The forum is a pretty good place to find details of any press cuttings:
I did actually run across your page a few days ago and was quite suprised to see you already had a start date for the show of September 6th plus some episode summaries.
Quite impressive that you have scooped everybody on that. I am looking for people with inside information to submit to this page, so let me know if you want the job.
Sure thing. And you'll never guess what this Torchwood fan was up to this weekend...I was in Cardiff, having heard whispers of strange monsters walking the streets, and so I sat watching Cybermen march down the street as passers by looked on in bewilderment! I saw David Tennant (apparently he's like the star of this show Captain Jack was once in) and more importantly the great Russell of T himself. He's a funny guy, and although he didn't exactly reveal anything new about Torchwood, he did confirm some stories posted in SFX magazine, about the four leads thing. He genuinely seemed excited by the series, and although our chat lasted mere minutes (he's the busy head writer of two science-fiction shows you know!) I get the feeling that he's glad of the creative freedom Torchwood brings him, as he's no longer tied down in Doctor Who continuity.
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