The big news here is that Noel Clarke, the actor behind the role of Mickey Smith, is writing an episode for the series. Russell T Davies (lets just call him RTD for my aching hands sake!) says of Noel's involement: "Noel's just hit the headlines with his controversial script for the successful UK movie Kidulthood, but we've actually been talking about this for quite some time. The man is bursting with ideas! We have to add half an hour on to script sessions, just to hear him talk. I've also picked up quite a few tips on how to talk to the laydeez, though when I'm gonna use them, I don't know! Noel's a big sci-fi fan, and I think he's going to find some radical ideas to take Torchwood in completely new directions."
There's an interesting development too. Helen Raynor, script editor on both series of Doctor Who, will be penning one episode, although Russell confirms that this wasn't planned! He says "This was a bit of a scary prospect - first of all, it was an over-commission, which means an extra script...but Helen's script was so good - no, in fact it was brilliant - it's one of the best first scripts I've ever read, so it's gone straight into the shooting shedule." Over-commission? Does this mean what I think it does? 14 scripts?!? Unless one episode is dropped, could we have a 14 part series on our hands?
Other confirmed writers include PJ Hammond, Chris Chibnall (who's writing episode two, and at least three other episodes as well) and newcomer Si Spencer (Whose previous work includes work such as Life During Wartime, apparently).
The first 'block' of episodes (one of which is episode one) will begin filming in May, under the helm of director Brian Kelly.
The first episode has the title of "Flotsam and Jetsam". Interestingly RTD notes the series as "Series One". Are more series planned for the show? This is the first indication that it won't be a one-series-wonder!
RTD has confirmed that he'll only be writing two scripts for series one (episode one and, maybe, the finale episode 13). Chris Chibnall has now joined Russell in the show's editorial team, overseeing scripts and in RTD's own words has "been helping me plan and shape the entire season". So that'll be Torchwood, "created by Russell .T. Davies and Chris Chibnall" then.
Here's some nuggets of information the new producer told the magazine:
+ "We keep talking about a noir style"
+ "Russell and Chris have filled their scripts with great humour"
+ "The show will touch on universal truths in the human condition"
+ "(Jack) is the heroic lead. He requires some subtle changes."
I'll post more specific comments on this interview later in the week.
Buy this month's Doctor Who Magazine just for this fantastic column, written by none other than RTD. Here he tells how the BBC are planning for Doctor Who and Torchwood's futures so much that for Doctor Who Series Three and Torchwood Series One production will move to a "Hollywoodesque" film set 20 miles from the current studios. Here, Doctor Who and Torchwood will film back-to-back. Russell has nick-named the new studio "Camelot". So Camelot it is then! Anyway, the interseting news is that Torchwood's main interior has been named "The Hub". The set has already been designed, and when the column was written at the start of March, construction had started on it. So it should be ready any day now! The Hub is directly next to the TARDIS interior, so a scene in the TARDIS could be filmed one minute, with scenes for Torchwood's Hub immediately after!
Sorry to advertise the show's broadcast details here, but RTD has given all fans one simple mission this month: to promote the show's debut whenever possible. So, who am I to argue with the bossman!
Saturday April 15th, BBC One, 7PM
Here's the details that are currently confirmed:
Episode 1: "Flotsam and Jetsam" Written by Russell.T.Davies
Episode 2: Untitled Written by Chris Chibnall
Further updates will follow later. Kurly's probably typing away at his Noel Clarke bio as we speak. I'll update you on the Richard Stokes interview very soon, I just want to respect DWM and wait a few days before posting (too heavily) from their work. They've done a fantastic job this month (and every month infact) and I want to say a big thank you to all the guys and gals who made this month's issue possible.
Well done Kurly on the site's new look! Absolutely fantastic. You've outdone yourself yet again!
Wonder what's he going to write about?...hmmm....
Thanks for being on top of it jack.
But the bad news is, no Moffat! That PA who told you that in February must have just wanted the thrill of being mentioned on the famous Torchwood.TV
Apparently Moffat was given an episode to write but was far too busy with his new "Jekyll and Hyde" series.
"He requires some subtle changes."
Nooooooo! You can't change Jack! He doesn't need changes, he's perfect just the way he is.
Unless of course the subtle changes are that instead of occasionally de-fabricating John Barrowman they do it every episode :) lol
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