Friday, April 14, 2006

The First Sighting?!?

Here's a photo from BBC 3's recent Doctor Who Confidential special. Notice the army officer in the background. They're wearing a cap without the usual (for Doctor Who anyway) UNIT logo on it. Mysteriously it also has a letter T on top. Could this be a Torchwood soldier? Is this our first sighting of a Torchwood operative? I guess we'll find out when that particular episode, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday airs in July. Anyway, lets hear your theories...


curls said...

In this picture it sort of looks like Monica Lewinsky's beret. Maybe this is a Torchwood intern.

Anonymous said...

It did say somehwere that The Doctor and Rose were going to visit Torchwood quite a lot in the new series of Doctor Who. This means that it probably is a Torchwood agent.

curls said...

Well if Torchwood is supposed to be so secret, why would they have a T on their hat? Maybe an S to confuse people.