While it looks like there will be no clues on Torchwood in the first episode of season 28, advanced reports on the second episode, Tooth and Claw, reveal there will be a visit to the Institute by none other than Queen Victoria. What is of most interest to Woodies perhaps is that this seems to indicate that Torchwood was already in operation in the 19th century.
Reviews of the show which mention Torchwood can be found at Scotsman.com and The Daily Record. The second episode will air on BBC1 on April 22, so that gives us plenty of time to imagine up some exotique scenarios involving Captain Jack and Queen Victoria.
*minor spoilerettes and speculation ahoy!*
Hmm, I know that the episode in question is meant to involve a "Torchwood House" in Scotland - I'm wondering if it's Queen Victoria who actually has the Institute set up (presumably with a central base at the place it takes its name from) after the weirdness that goes on there in this episode. That would be interesting, if Torchwood goes back that far (not to mention being by Royal Appointment); would certainly predate UNIT by quite a while!
BBC 2?!?
Thanks, a typo apparently, fixed it now.
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