This weeks edition of the 'Radio Times' over here in the UK (dated June 3rd - June 9th) contains the usual Doctor Who suppliment - as well as a free pack of stickers!

Of course, it would be little use making a Doctor Who sticker album without Captain Jack, so without further ado, I present Jack's very own unique sticker. It can be found in this week's aforementioned Radio Times. So go buy a copy now, and you too can have an image of Jack, avaialble to stick wherever you want (insert innuendo here) !
That sticker is not available in every pack that comes with the Radio Times. Only the stickers for the RT poster that came out three weeks ago are GUARANTEED to be in the packs in this weeks Radio Times.
Sorry if that's the case, but all the pack's I've had (for nephews, etc) have contained the same stickers. Perhaps it's a region thing? North West gets certain stickers, Scotland gets different?!?
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