Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Fall Flagship

The press release from BBC3 announcing their Autumn schedule is now out and a few scenes from Torchwood have been screened for all the right people (Which of course means not us) and there is no shortage of ink on the WHO spinoff this week.

In The Sun they give us a glimpse of one of the new monsters that the Institute will have to worry about. Click here, if you don't mind getting a sneak peek at a Weevil. OG has also posted 4 promotional shots released by the BBC.

The Telegraph reported,
Scenes unveiled by the BBC yesterday showed an edgy drama with a team that feels it is "separate from the government, beyond the police and outside of the United Nations."
There was also good coverage of Torchwood in Brand Republic, and The Stage. Most articles reiterated that this won't be a show for the kiddies. However, I'm not sure how you are going to persuade the young tykes to go to bed early, now that they have seen a Weevil!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So it's called a Weevil! Hm... that sounds... like these little puff ball toys that I used to have when I was little called Weeples. I'm never going to be able to hold one without cracking up now. ^^