Episode two is entitled "New Girl" (and not "Dark Revelations" as previously noted). That particular episode formed part of recording block one with "Flotsam and Jetsam" - and filming on both episodes has now completed.
As the issue went to press, block two was also nearing completion. This block includes the episodes "The Ghost Machine" and "Greeks Bearing Gifts". Recently our friend Chula revealed the following information about the set of episodes (If you want to stay in the dark skip the rest of this post, but not everything has been revealed to protect the production team - we don't want all the good stuff leaking out before its time):

Ep 3, "Ghost Machine", sees our heroes come into possession of a device that can tap into the hidden energy left behind by strong emotions; the person holding the device sees the exact transaction that caused the energy to be imprinted, they not only see what went on but FEEL it too. This obviously has a lasting impression and we see certain members of Torchwood investigating the events they felt and witnessed to either gain some semblance of closure or in one case - revenge.
Ep 8, "Greeks Bearing Gifts", is definitely one for the lads. The guest star is Daniela Denby Ashe who starred in Eastenders and My family. She plays Mary, an incredibly sexy alien who seduces Toshiko so she can gain her trust and infiltrate Torchwood's secret base. She gives Tosh a pendant that enables Tosh to hear peoples thoughts. She uses her new gift to help people but soon finds that what people say and think are two different things.
Block three consists of two episodes, one written by Chris Chibnall (his second episode), and the other is by a new set of writers, Dan McCulloch and Paul Tomalin. This block is directed by "The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit" helmer James Strong. Chula had to say about these episodes in all his might:
Block Three is now being shot and are probably the best two so far, even I don't want to spoil it for your readers, as the explosive plots really make these episodes great. Suffice to say we see old friends return in both episodes - trust me, fans will go wild.
So, bets now who the "old friends" are...
Currently in pre-production is block four, confirmed as being directed by Alice Troughton (no relation apparently!). This production block finally sees PJ Hammond's "Small Worlds" (now a confirmed title!) go behind the camera, and sees the debut of new writer Cath Tregenna. With both a female director, plus a female writer, this should be a fully-female charged set of episodes, and everyone here at Torchwood.tv can't wait.
Because we all know girls have just as much fun as the boys.
Until next time (which for me won't be for another week, because I'm going on holiday!) cheerios and adios. Enjoy the summer sun...and remember, three months to go!
Hey! Those are big spoilers you have there, in plain daylight. No invisotext, no spoiler banners like OG. Sounds to me like you've given away half the stories of two episodes right there. This is a new show, I don't want the episodes ruined before I've even seen them.
Y'know, you have a little responsibility here. If you're gonna insist on leaking things (and pardon me for being unimpressed with Chula, earning a living off the BBC, presumably working under a confidentiality agreement and then blabbing to make him/herself feel important), at least organise things so there's a decent spoiler section in a different place and away from general episode titles, writers and directors names, production details, the harmless, interesting gossip.
You say at the bottom, this site is for "fun". Well, not everyone thinks that it's fun knowing story details in advance is fun, some of us want to be able to know titles and the people involved but otherwise wait to enjoy the show when it's on. Maybe you could do us a little service.
thanks! "Ghost Machine" sounds amazing
Sorry you learned more than you wanted. We do try to warn you, in the subtitle of our page by saying we have secrets. It's a simple blog so everything goes on one page, we will just have to warn folks a bit better in each post.
But the thing is, Jackharkness did say not to read it if you did not want to find out what happens so it's your own fault really.
I didn't read all of it but I want to! It's so tempting! I want to know who the óld friends'are but RTD said that there were going to be no crossovers so It cant be the Doctor... Sorry if'i've got the total wrong end of the stick here!
Yay! Spoilers... FINALLY! I live for these kinds of things. ^^
An episode with telepathy... an overused idea that never stops being funny. :glee:
You warned enough about the spoilers. If people read and get annoyed, well they can just shove it as far as I'm concerned.
Friends... Hm, if it's not a crossover, then maybe Sara Jane and K9? I can see that happening.
I REALLY hope it airs on Halloween. That would be so perfect! Except, then we'd have to wait till the end of October, which would suck. But anyways, thanks for the update!
I want to know whathe is looking at in this picture because I love his face! All the others seem to be posing, though!
I'm back off of holiday on sunday but it looks like i've missed all of the newspaper articles!!! oh well!
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