Sorry, the headline above concerns a different Maria and a different musical than in the new BBC reality show
How do you solve a problem like Maria? (There are no nuns in West Side Story, that alone makes it a much better musical than The Sound of Music)
Screencap from last night's premier installmentThe show featuring John Barrowman as one of the judges premiered last night, and as I'm no more an expert on West End musicals than I am on Ice Dancing, you will just have to go to
the show's official site if you want updates on how the Maria hunt is going. It will only become the concern of Torchwood.TV if the Weevil gets loose and devours all of the potential Marias.
I've just watched it and I think that it is going to be really addictive! I do think that ALW was getting a bit sneaky by going behind their backs but I am glad that Kirsty is still in!
I want either her or the 17 yr old who had another go and was wearing the blue dress (I can't remember her name) to win because i think that they will bring th most to the role.
I wasn't paying that much attention to the girls. Yes I know that means I missed the point of the whole show but John Barrowman is so gorgeous and his hair was all cute and spiky and just waiting to be ruffled! Sadly they didn't show much of him, but what they did show was quality ;)
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