According to an OG forum report (minor spoilers) the trailer has several scenes between Jack and Gwen, with Jack saying, "Torchwood is separate from the government, outside the police, beyond the United Nations." There is also a police official who makes reference to Jack failing to report for duty and dissapearing on January 21st, 1941. There are some shots set underground at the Hub, and one dramatic one featuring the Captain standing on top of a tower. The music and tone throughout have an X-files feel to them.
A trailer is worth a million words, so let's hope this is released soon so I won't have to type them.
I'm so excited, it's almost embarrassing.
I haven't seen that photo before! Very Silence of the Lambs. Where did you find it?
That photo was released with the press release. It sees Gwen interrogate a not-so-nice Torchwood member called Suzie. Happy days!
I really can't wait any longer! Torchwood is going to be fantastic and the trailer sounds really good!
cant wait to see the trailer ! Jane.
Wasn't Suzie being played by Indira Varma? If so that's definitely not her Cpt Jack! Ed.
I wish I could see the trailer... Or captions of it... or something! Jack on a tower... that really IS X-Files ish.
according to the official Torchwood site this is not "suzie" but it is "Eve Myles as Gwen and Sara Gregory as Carys"
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