Wednesday, August 16, 2006

More pieces to the titles puzzle

I'm on vacation so just time to give you a quick update on what the latest Doctor Who Magazine has revealed. There are now three new Torchwood episode titles. The Trouble with Lisa, Out of Time, and Virus. Chris Chibnal will be writing TTWL and it will be the 4th episode in the series. So if I remember correctly, this is what we know so far:

1. Flotsam and Jetsam by RTD
2. New Girl by Chris Chibnal
3. The Ghost Machine by Helen Raynor
4. The Trouble with Lisa by Chris Chibnal
8. Greeks Bearing Gifts by Toby Whithouse
?. Virus by Andrew Rattenbury
?. Out of Time by Cath Tregenna
?. Small Worlds by PJ Hammond
?. Combat by Noel Clarke
13. End of Days by Chris Chibnal

DWM also reported that Yasmin Bannerman, John Normington: Trevor Sigma and Adrienne O'Sullivan are listed as guest stars on Torchwood. Please follow up if you know more, as I'm late for a white-water rafting expedition.


Abs0n said...

we know quite a lot now then, don't we! It's only a very short time until the series starts! yay! If you think about it, it's been nearly a year since Torchwood was announced! wow!

Good luck with the white water rafting! I did it for the first time 6 days ago and we had an accident which ended up with me in hospital for concussion! :-P

Anonymous said...

Didn't John Normington play the role of 'Trevor Sigma' in the Doctor Who story The Happiness Patrol?
Just asking.

Anthony Garnon said...

And Yasmin Bannerman played "Jabe" the tree in last year's "End of the World" adventure with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.

Anonymous said...

Virus. Hm. Sounds threatening. ^^