One line from the report says:
Returning cast members include John Barrowman who will be making an appearance in the series finaleThat's it, an appearance? Hmm, which sounds like the first 11 episodes of the 2007 season will be Jack free. Of course it is expected that the Doctor would want Freema all to himself for a while, but I think JB fans were hoping for the Captain to be a companion for at least the last half of the series.
So, after Torchwood concludes this December, Captain Jack fans will just have to wait until July 2007 to see him again. But of course the BBC have never been misleading with any of their Doctor Who announcements in the past have they?
A little un-related, but I have to share with everyone the fact that in 2007, I'm going to be meeting the great Captain himself! I've booked myself in for 'A Day with John Barrowman' and will even be having dinner with him! (Schedule allowing of course)
I'm more excited than a kitten on speed.
wow! How did you manage that one?! I can't believe it will only be an 'apperance' in the series finale!
I personally don't think that this can be true because why would John Barrowman have been so excited about just being in one or two thirteenth(s) of the new series, when no contracts have yet been signed for the 4th one???
On an unrelated note...
I wish the Doctor's jacket was still brown.
Well, maybe he'll become a companion again in 4? Maybe it's not promised, but Barrowman has already been asked to do it? That would be awesome.
in answer to abs0n, it's a convention type thing here in Australia in March.
A friend alerted me to the ad and I barely hesitated and rang up and booked.
Also - I too prefer the Doctor's brown suit and I severely hope we hear something about season four contracts soon! (And seasons five to twenty six and onwards!!! )
I certainly shall! I don't know how I am going to cope waiting for the next seven months!
The brown suit made the Doctor look like a Hershey bar. It invited you to unwrap him and start licking. And nibbling. And...
Maybe the blue is intended to be his "mourning for Rose" suit.
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