OK, I got it wrong, but don't hold it against me. My source at the time was not an internal BBC spy, or anything so fancy; just an ordinary joe writing in an unofficial fan forum - so the information was bound to be slightly inaccurate!
Now, firmly back in the present day, and the Steven Moffat rumours refuse to go away.
Only now, it's clear that he's not writing Torchwood - but still, it's something a lot of Torchwood fans should be interested in...
Apparently, according to Doctor-Who-Online, Moffat's script for Doctor Who season three (episode ten, people are saying) will feature Captain Jack; exploring the character's missing two years of memories, and finally revealling exactly what happened at the Time Agency.
Back in August, Russell T Davies said that season three will feature a double banked episode, in the same vein as this year's "Love and Monsters". The episode will be light of either the Doctor or Martha Jones, but Russell claimed it would still be essential viewing for fans...
Around the same time, Russell also remarked that we won't learn about Captain Jack's missing two years in Torchwood the series. Instead, Russell claimed that when the day did come to tell the secret at last, Steven Moffat (Jack's creator) would be the one to tell it...
So, has the day come at last? Is Moffat ready to spill all?
Rumours are a funny old thing. Sometimes they're born from a sniff of the truth; othertimes they are completely fabricated - by individuals who wish that they were true. This particular rumour could be either - but on a personally level, I for one hope it's true. Wouldn't it be great if Captain Jack did indeed return in an episode written by the same guy who created him?
Anyways, don't blame me if - like the last Moffat rumour - this proves completely untrue.
Don't kill the messenger and all...
Sounds great, until you had to go and compare it with Love and Monsters. Well anyway, I get your point.
So then the rumour now is Jack will be in at least three episodes in the parent show next season. Which would make sense since I've heard he has already moved across the hall on occasion to work on WHO.
Considering the episodes that have been filmed so far, Kurly, I'm not sure how that makes sense in any way, shape or form.
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