Over at the
Torch_wood fan community (all serious Woodies/Whoodies should visit it at least once a day) "
sadbhyl" has posted an interesting theory about the good Captain himself, Jack.

Now, the theory involves sex, and exactly why (to put it blunt) a man like Jack, who's known to sleep with anything if it has a pulse, has yet to have any in "Torchwood" the series.
Read the theory
It's a scary day when Captain Jack himself is prevented from having a little love...!
An official answer has already been given as to why Jack isn't getting up to anything naughty this season.
And at the time it made sense.
Haven't seen anything yet to make me doubt the official line (yet)...
Just the fact that this is considered news on the blog cracks me up to no end. LOL!
But that would make sense... yet still... I don't know. I already have a few of my own awesome theories that will probably turn into fanfics eventually. Or something. ^^
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