There is great coverage over on of JB filming his scenes for Doctor Who. Follow the link to see some photos of the trio of John Barrowman, David Tennant and Freema Agyeman on location near the Cardiff Hilton and at Roald Dahl Plas above the Hub. The gang was shooting scenes from the final few episodes of WHO season 29. Spoilerphobes may want to avoid it as they also post some overheard information regarding Jack's backstory (or is it forwardstory?) If you are a member of the Outpost Gallifrey forums there are those and more pictures
here plus you can spy JB on
Monkeyspoon's Flickr set.
This shot above was taken by
Caleb. It looks like Freema found a stain on John's stylish orange jacket. So remember readers, if you do happen to run across any suspicious activity in the Cardiff area involving cameras and a certain good-looking guy in a trenchcoat, don't hesitate to drop us a line.
UPDATE: Jen has kindly provided us a link to
her Flickr Set of pictures from the shoot
I saw this shoot at Cardiff Bay yesterday. It seemed to be one of the final scenes of the next series of Doctor Who.
Captain Jack said 'well, back to work' quite early on and then turned around several times to say farewell to The Doctor and Martha. He then went off camera and The Doctor was laughing and looking shocked/impressed - presumably a reaction to whatever Jack did next. I would love to point you in the direction of some photos but as I don't have my own computer at the moment :( the pics are all still on my camera!
For those fangirls: you will be amused to hear that between takes the cast were enjoying messing about quite a lot. John threw a teabag at no-one in particular. Well, it was probably aimed at someone but he missed quite dramatically! He was then teased and poked (something to do with the puffa jacket from what I could hear) and then there was some nipple pinching going on with one of the crew. Very enjoyable afternoon for little fangirl me!
Looking at this picture makes me feel a little guilty. Like sneaking a peak at a christmas present early. However, I am now even more curious about the new series of Dr Who. It is good to see John too.
Finally! Uploaded pictures from the shoot.
Go to my flickr page to see them!
This website has inspired me to make my own website dedicated to Torchwood! Although it is a minor site compared to this amazing site, it would be cool if you came to my website.
I hope you don't mind me pasting that!
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