Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Torchwood Archives #5

Delving into the rich history of the Torchwood Institute; exposing truths and revealing secrets that you never knew before. "The Torchwood Archives" have been opened...

Below is a transcript from 1943 - a German citizen is being quizzed in Torchwood 1 after suspicious activity inside the city's sewers.

Some details have been removed for the protection of the British public.

"TORCHWOOD": Tell me, what exactly were you doing down there?


"TORCHWOOD": Tell me!


"JOHN DOE": I have a right to remain sil-

"TORCHWOOD": You have no rights! This place; we're seperate from the government - outside the law. And if you don't tell me what I want to know, we could do anything to you.


"TORCHWOOD": We're powerful people; powerful enough to discover your true identity. To track down your family, and do what's necessary to get you to talk.


"TORCHWOOD": You really want their deaths on your head? One call, that's all it takes.


"TORCHWOOD": Tell me what I want to know. Why were you down in London's sewers?

"JOHN DOE": Weevils.

"TORCHWOOD": Weevils?

"JOHN DOE": Hitler; he's training them as soldiers...


Further updates on Torchwood will follow shortly.

Until then, good luck, and remember Torchwood's core values:

"If it's Alien, it's Ours"


Anonymous said...

This one's the best yet! I'm studying WWII at schooland this is a really smart idea.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Weevils working for Hitler, now I think I have heard everything.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, oh god, somebody pass me a tissue to wipe away the tears from laughing.

On a more serius not though I wonder if the writer is trying to get away from the fact that so many supposedly normal people could do such terrible things.(Not trying to be personal I have terrible trouble with it too!!!) maybe this is an explanation, although when you look at the milgram experiment (look it up on wiki if you don't know about it, very interesting, to do with how attrocities can be comitted by the average joe bloes under orders) maybe hitler wouldn't have needed to use them...

Alyx Sands said...

I wonder if I should feel offended at that ;-))))

...I AM German. And before someone misunderstands that, Hitler was a stupid dimwit. Me no nazi.

Anthony Garnon said...

Nope, no offence meant! If you read carefully, you'll see that the only 'German' (well, Austrian!) being condemmed here is Hitler himself. :)