Anybody who caught the Doctor Who Confidential episode afterwards would have heard John Barrowman talk about his role as Captain Jack - who he is, and what's changed for him since leaving Doctor Who stranded in the year 200,100. Like the main show itself there were no direct references to Torchwood the series; but keep watching, because over the next couple of episodes the Doctor's going to find out a lot more about what Jack's been up to - and he ain't a happy bunny!
If you head on over to the official BBCi Doctor Who site right now there's some "Utopia" updates. Of particular importance are the expanded photo gallery, which features some neat Captain Jack piccies, and an audio commentary on "Utopia" featuring producer Phil Collinson, costume designer Louise Page and Arwel Wyn-Jones. Head on over here for the full scoop.
Next week sees "The Sound of Drums" hit our screens, and hopefully it should answer a few of our questions. Just how do the TARDIS trio get back down to contemporary Earth? What are The Master's grand plans? And just how many people can Captain Jack flirt with in the space of 45 minutes? Epic stuff. And you can catch it at 7:10pm next Saturday night on BBC One.
And don't forget that "Utopia" is repeated on BBC Three tonight at 8pm.
I'm so happy that John finally had his name in the opening credits on DW!
That episode was awesome! And shouldn't "Britain's Got Talent" be called "England And Wales Have Got Talent"! Scotland wasn't in it! And neither was That part of Ireland, come to thnk of it.
I imagine the Master left his own TARDIS laying around somewhere for the gang to use. OR using the 'advanced technology' they mend Jack's wristwatch.
Though maybe not the latter, because at the end of the universe the only hi-tech security for the silo anybody could muster up was a chainlink fence locked with a padlock and chain.
OMG It was a clffhanger and my little brother wooped with joy when John Barrowman was in the opening credits but inside so did I!
omg it was amazing! cant wait till next week! i really loved the conversation between the doctor and jack.
john barrowman, david tennant and john simm in 1 episode?...its too much for a girl to cope with!
Of course, I could tell you what happens next week, but I'd have to kill you......
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