Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Volcano Day

The BBC's official Doctor Who site has revealed that during the fourth series of the show David Tennant's Doctor (accompanied by Donna Noble) will travel back in time to August 79 A.D - to Pompeii, just before the famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius. What has this exactly got to do with Torchwood, your asking yourself. Well, everything really!

Back in Doctor Who's first season, Captain Jack Harkness revealed to the Ninth Doctor and Rose that he'd been back in time - to Pompeii just before the eruption! He warned the Doctor that for best effects, one should set the alarm clock for "volcano day". So, during their stay will the Doctor and Donna bump into Time Agent Harkness, or will it be revealed at last that Jack's visit to the doomed city was merely another of his tall tales?

In other news AfterElton.com have released the second and third Torchwood vodcasts, covering "Day One" and "Ghost Machine". You can watch the videos, via dailymotion.com, by clicking here and here.


Anonymous said...

hmm.... this means that at the time jack wouldnt have realised who the doctor was, but when he did meet he 10th incarnation he must have though 'oh THATS the guy who was talking to me in Pompeii'
oh i dunno time lines are so tricky
i really hope jack does return! but it doesnt say it anywhere :(
come on torchwood!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'd like it for Donna and Jack to meet, and think it'd be good if they did, but I doubt it cause of filming schedules for TW and wouldn't that create a paradox if Jack met the Doctor in Pompeii, when it was before he met Rose & the 9th Doc.

Cool theory though.

Anonymous said...

I really hope that they meet :-) but I don't think that they will becuase then they would have to explain that Jack already knew the doctor.

They could loosely involve Jack in the story but then not have any interaction between him and the Doctor.

Anonymous said...

I really like your idea of having Jack loosely involved in the story.

He could keep interacting with Donna when the Doctor's not around. Then Donna could tell the Doctor there's this great guy he should meet. Right at the end of the show the Doctor goes to greet this guy (after whatever good work he's done).

The Doctor holds out his hand, Jack turns around to say hello. The Doctor stops and stares in shock - and then runs away - like the emotional-cripple-who-can't-handle-consequences-even-though-they-haven't-happened-yet kinda guy that he is. (NO I'm NOT a fan of the Tenth Doctor, even more so after LOTTL).

Then we can all enjoy a lovely close-up of Jack looking into the distance, slightly confused.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Jack in the episode, for just a few seconds, having Ten dodge him... admittedly much of this desire comes from me wanting to see JB in a toga.