Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Ianto spills the (coffee) beans?!

Gareth David-Lloyd was a guest at Vortex, a one-day Who convention held in Belfast this past weekend, and he let slip a few more details about CoE.

One fan's report revealed: "Gareth David-Lloyd was a great presence, he kept a tight lid on the upcoming Torchwood: Children of Earth, but did reveal that we would find out much more about Ianto's past, such as meeting his family, and discovering the reasons he tore apart from them." You can see the rest of her write-up, including photos, here at her blog.

But that's not all he said! As many fans have also reported, Gareth told the gathered crowd that CoE would air in the second week in June.

In addition, UK channel Watch has issued a press release stating they will re-run Torchwood's first series starting an hour after each new CoE episode airs, kicking off Monday, 15th June (from here).

Come on, BBC! Stop with the secrecy already, and make the official announcement confirming what we've already guessed. We promise we'll act surprised when you tell us...!

1 comment:

Anthony Garnon said...

Oh, Mr. Barrowman...