If you have a life and can't stay up that late on Sunday or don't have a means of recording it, you will have to wait until Friday the 27th of October at 9:50pm when it will air again following another repeat of Everything Changes on BBC3. They will also be connected to the official website for watching anytime, as long as you don't mind watching a stream in a tiny window on your computer.
I have a strong feeling there will be a lot of unproductive Woodies at work on Monday the 23rd.
Update: Summaries for the first two episodes of Torchwood De-Classified are now up on the BBC3 schedule:
2:40 am : Actor John Barrowman talks about the experience of being cast as Captain Jack Harkness, and backstage footage shows just how this groundbreaking new series has been brought to life.Plus if you truly do want to make it an all-nighter it looks like it will be worth it, following both of those at 3:05 will be a documentary about swearing on TV called 40 Years of F****.
2:55 am : Eve Myles plays Gwen Cooper, the Cardiff cop who has found herself drawn into the fantastical world of Torchwood
Hey! I'm under 16! We're not all that immature and giggly everytime 'sexy' adult programmes are metioned :-P And you'd have to be pretty sad at any age to stay up that late on a Sunday night!!
I'll have to watch the repeats on friday nights :'-( oh well, at least i'll see them in the end.
Actually that is meant as a slam on all the Mary Whitehouses out there who are stressing about kids seeing Torchwood and similar shows. I suspect they wouldnt even be happy if there was legislation announced that any TV shows not aimed at children can only be shown at 3:00am.
Suppose so!
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